Summary of the little prince with pictures | Kid x story

The little prince summary 

The little prince summary

 The Little Prince is a classic novella written by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The story is about a young prince who lives on a small planet and one day decides to leave his home in search of adventure. Along his journey, he meets various characters, including a stranded aviator, and learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of seeing the world through the eyes of a child. The Little Prince is a timeless tale that speaks to readers of all ages and has been translated into over 250 languages.

  • Chapter 1: The narrator, a pilot, crashes in the desert and meets the little prince. The prince tells the pilot about his journey and the small planet he comes from.

  • Chapter 2: The prince tells the pilot about the three volcanoes on his planet and how he used to play with them as if they were toys.

  • Chapter 3: The prince talks about the people on his planet, including a vain man and a drunkard.

  • Chapter 4: The prince tells the pilot about the rose on his planet and how he became lonely because of her.

  • Chapter 5: The prince starts his journey to other planets and meets different characters like a king, a businessman, and a lamplighter.

  • Chapter 6: The prince meets a snake who can bring him back to his planet, but the prince chooses to stay on Earth.

  • Chapter 7: The prince tells the pilot about the fox and how he taught him the secret of life.

  • Chapter 8: The prince's rose is mentioned again as how the prince learns to love her.

Chapter - 1

The Little Prince," the narrator, who is a pilot, crashes in the desert and is stranded. As he is trying to fix his plane, he sees a small figure approaching him. The figure turns out to be a young prince from a small planet who has traveled to Earth. The prince tells the pilot about his journey and the small planet he comes from. He explains that he had to leave his planet because he was lonely and wanted to see the other planets in the galaxy. The pilot is amazed by the prince's story and begins to listen to him attentively. This chapter sets the scene for the rest of the story and introduces the main characters, the pilot and the little prince. It also establishes the theme of loneliness and the desire for connection that will be explored throughout the book.

Chapter - 2

In chapter 2 of "The Little Prince," the prince continues to tell the pilot about his planet and his experiences. He mentions the three volcanoes on his planet, which he used to play with as if they were toys. The prince describes how he would climb to the top of one volcano and then slide down another, enjoying the feeling of freedom and adventure. He also tells the pilot about the time he spent exploring the craters of the volcanoes and the different types of rocks he found there.

This chapter also shows the prince's childlike sense of wonder and curiosity. He sees the beauty and possibilities in everything around him, even something as seemingly mundane as volcanoes. It also highlights the prince's playful and adventurous nature, which is in contrast to the more serious and practical attitude of the pilot. The prince's description of his planet and his relationship with it also helps to establish the setting and atmosphere of the story.

Chapter - 3

In chapter 3 of "The Little Prince," the prince talks about the people on his planet. He mentions that there is only one person living on his planet, but he is not around much. He describes him as a vain man who is always preoccupied with his appearance, constantly looking at himself in a mirror. The prince also talks about a drunkard he met on another planet who only cared about drinking and was not interested in anything else.

This chapter explores the theme of superficiality and the way that people can be consumed by their own vanity and desires. The prince's observations of the vain man and the drunkard serve as a commentary on the shallowness of human nature. It also highlights the prince's innocence and wisdom, as he is able to see through the superficiality and recognize the emptiness of their lives. This chapter also helps to establish the contrast between the prince and the people he meets, who are consumed by their own desires and are unable to see the beauty and wonder of the world around them.

Chapter - 4 

In chapter 4 of "The Little Prince," the prince tells the pilot about the rose on his planet. He explains that he loved her very much, but that she was very demanding and required a lot of attention. The prince talks about how he used to watch over her and protect her from the sun and the wind, but that she never appreciated his efforts. He also mentions that he spent all his time taking care of her and that he became lonely because of her.

This chapter explores the theme of love and the complex nature of relationships. The prince's relationship with the rose is a metaphor for the way that love can consume a person and make them feel lonely, even when they are not alone. The prince's feelings towards the rose also illustrate that love can be demanding and unappreciative, yet he still continues to love her. This chapter also shows the prince's maturity and understanding of the nature of love, despite his young age.

Additionally, it's important to note that the rose is one of the main symbols in the book and it represents different things throughout the story, such as love, beauty, and vanity. It serves as a reminder that beauty is fleeting and that true beauty is something deeper and more meaningful.

Chapter - 5

In chapter 5 of "The Little Prince," the prince starts his journey to other planets and meets different characters. He visits a planet where he meets a king who wants everyone to bow to him and do his bidding. The prince also goes to a planet where he meets a businessman who counts everything and wants to own as much as possible. He also encounters a lamplighter who is so busy with his job that he does not have time to look at the stars.

This chapter explores the theme of power, authority, and the way that people can become obsessed with wealth, status, and control. The king, the businessman, and the lamplighter all represent different facets of this theme. The king is a symbol of the desire for power and control, the businessman represents the desire for wealth and ownership, and the lamplighter represents the obsession with work and productivity. These characters also serve as a contrast to the prince, who is free-spirited and unencumbered by these desires.

This chapter also highlights the prince's journey, his encounters with different kind of people, their behavior, and the way they think, it's a way of showing the reader the diversity of humanity. It also demonstrates the prince's wisdom and understanding of the human condition, as he is able to see through the superficiality of these characters and recognize the emptiness of their lives.

Chapter - 6

In chapter 6 of "The Little Prince," the prince meets a snake who offers to help him return to his own planet. The snake tells him that he can bite him and he will die, and then he will wake up on his planet. The prince is tempted by this offer but ultimately decides to stay on Earth and continue his journey.

This chapter explores the theme of death and the choices that we make in life. The snake represents the temptation of death and the idea of returning to something familiar, while the prince's decision to stay on Earth represents the desire to live and experience new things. The decision of the prince is also a representation of courage, as he chooses to face the unknown and continue his journey, even though it may be difficult.

Additionally, the snake can also be seen as a metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, and the temptation to return to the safety of the past. But the prince's decision to stay on Earth illustrates his willingness to face the unknown and to continue to live and learn.

The chapter also marks a turning point in the story as the prince's journey starts to take a more meaningful turn and he begins to understand the purpose of his journey.

Chapter - 7

In chapter 7 of "The Little Prince," the prince meets a fox who teaches him the secret of life. The fox tells the prince that in order to be truly happy, he must be tamed by someone. He explains that when someone tames you, you become responsible for their happiness and they become responsible for yours. The prince is initially confused by this idea, but he soon realizes that the fox is talking about the importance of human connections and relationships.

This chapter explores the theme of friendship and the way that people can impact each other's lives. The fox is a symbol of the importance of relationships and the way that they can bring meaning and purpose to our lives. The prince's interactions with the fox also illustrate the idea of being tamed, which is a metaphor for the way that people can influence and change each other's lives.

The chapter also highlights the prince's growing understanding of the world and the people in it. He starts to realize that his journey is not just about visiting different planets, but also about understanding the nature of human connections and relationships. The fox's teachings also serve as a reminder that true happiness comes from being connected to others and that we all need someone to take care of and someone to take care of us.

Chapter - 8

In chapter 8 of "The Little Prince," the prince's rose is mentioned again and the prince reflects on his experiences and the lessons he has learned. He realizes that he had been too focused on the rose and that he had neglected to see the beauty in the world around him. He also comes to understand that his rose is not unique and that there are many other roses in the world.

This chapter explores the theme of perspective and the importance of seeing the world in a different way. The prince's experiences on his journey have taught him to see beyond his own small world and to appreciate the beauty in the world around him. The rose serves as a symbol of the prince's previous narrow perspective and the way that he has grown and changed as a result of his journey.

Additionally, this chapter also represents the prince's final realization that the rose that he loved so much, is not unique and that there are many others like her. This understanding brings him a sense of peace and freedom, and he is able to let go of his possessiveness and feelings of ownership toward the rose.

This chapter also marks a turning point in the story as the prince reaches the end of his journey and begins to understand the true nature of love and beauty.

Chapter - 9

In chapter 9 of "The Little Prince," the pilot and the prince part ways, and the pilot reflects on the lessons that the prince taught him. The prince tells the pilot that he will always be with him, even though they are physically separated. The pilot realizes that the prince has taught him valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of seeing beyond appearances.

This chapter serves as a conclusion to the story and ties together the themes that have been explored throughout the book. The pilot's reflections on the prince's teachings highlight the impact that the prince has had on him and the way that the prince's wisdom and innocence have changed the pilot's perspective on life.

The chapter also marks the end of the prince's journey and the end of his relationship with the pilot. However, the prince's promise to always be with the pilot serves as a reminder that the prince's spirit and the lessons he taught will continue to live on in the pilot's memory and in the memory of the readers.

This chapter is a reminder that the little prince's teachings are not meant to be forgotten and that they should be applied to our everyday lives. The story concludes with the idea that the prince's journey was not only about visiting different planets, but also about understanding the true nature of human connections and relationships and the importance of seeing the beauty in the world around us.

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