Bed time Stories for kids : Fun, Educational, moral and Heartwarming

 The Little Star Wish 🌟

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a little

 star named Twinkle. Twinkle lived in the constellation and

 shone brightly every night, but she always felt a bit sad.


Twinkle was the smallest star in the constellation and often

 felt overlooked by the other stars. She longed to be bigger and

 brighter, just like the other stars in constellation.

One day, Twinkle decided that she was tired of feeling sad and

 small. She made a plan to become the brightest star in the sky. 

Every night, she worked hard to shine as brightly as she could.

At first, the other stars laughed at Twinkle and told her that

 she would never be as bright as they were. But Twinkle didn't

 let their teasing get to her. She continued to shine brightly

 and work hard every night.

As time passed, Twinkle started to notice a change. She was

 getting bigger and brighter! The other stars in Orion started

 to take notice of Twinkle and soon, she became the brightest

 star in the constellation.

Twinkle was overjoyed and couldn't believe that she had

 achieved her dream. From that day on, she shone brightly

 every night, inspiring the other stars to work hard and never

 give up on their dreams

Moral - Work hard and Never give up on your dreams.

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